‘DAM 999′ to be screened at the ‘The Goddess on the Throne’ festival

‘The Goddess on the Throne’ Film Festival ,Kosovo is different in all means when we compare it with traditional film events. This festival which started its course in 2002 has successfully completed thirteen years, and it is growing strong and steady with increased numbers of audiences every year. One of the main peculiarity of this festival is its venue. The film festival will be conducted exclusively in train, and doesn’t that sound great?

This year, ‘DAM 999‘, a Hollywood movie directed by Indian filmmaker Sohan Roy is getting screened in this festival. This movie was released in 2011, and it is still the hottest pick in International Film Festival circuits. ‘DAM 999′ was even recognized in the Academy Award Red Carpet as the the Screenplay of the movie was added to the permanent core collection in Library of the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.

The movie showcases the story of an outdated dam which is prone to destruction at any moment. The director also beautifully portrays some emotional elements with finesse in this movie. The concepts of Ayurveda and Lost Love are also discussed in this movie.

Short films which are being selected in the festival will be shown on the train trips from one city to another, while the feature films will be screened in the Railway Station premises. This year’s ‘The Goodness on the Throne’ festival is scheduled from June 1st – 5th 2015.




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